The three participating schools all considered the project to have provided an extremely valuable opportunity for both learners and staff and to have provided access to the type of KS3/early KS4 learning opportunity and curriculum development schools should be aspiring to. However, the notes in the lessons learnt section identify many areas where significant further development is required in support of future delivery of similar provision. Is it unrealistic to expect that this will happen without further significant support and associated funding? The real costs to the lead partner (Ideas in2 action) of the planning and delivery of this project (financial and time) were massively above the actual funding provided and it is clear that successful completion of the project was due to the high (unrealistic to expect?) level of in kind support from all involved over a considerable period of time.
Better systems are required in school for facilitating both in house and externally supported CPD to increase the sustainability of such projects. All too often the knowledge and skills gained through development projects are not effectively cascaded to other departmental members due to other demands on staff time and the limited available of CPD funding.
Everyone involved, in terms of their own CPD, identified the need to carry on with similar projects. Because of the physical size of Lincolnshire this is prohibitive in terms of travel and getting interested teachers together for meetings. The will is there, and the need has been identified for establishing local consortia of D&T teachers. Ideas in2 Action is working towards this and has identified some key players who are willing to lead the consortia but to take this further a cash input is needed.