Project Planning and Delivery Plan
Outline project description (as in original funding application submitted by Ideas in2Action – Jan 2013)
To provide an opportunity for KS3 students, from 3 Lincolnshire Schools, to work on a collaborative project with a local industrial partner and an IET partner in order to engage in design related problem solving using up-to-date technology within the STEM subject group. It is proposed that the project is delivered to approximately 30 students from a year group from each school (preferably year 9) and that each of the 30 students are exposed to the project for a whole day. The collapsed timetable (project) day is then followed up with each group spending one of their normal D&T lessons undertaking further work on the project and the whole cohort of 90 students meeting with school staff and their parents for a presentation event.
Aims (as in original funding application)
- To work with Ideas In 2 Action Design Consultancy, Lincolnshire's Digital D&T Support Centre.
- To work with an industrial partner as identified by the IET area coordinator.
- To work with KS3 students and during the period of the project to actively encourage these students to consider selecting D&T as a KS4 option and ultimately consider a future in engineering.
- To involve as many aspects of the STEM curriculum as possible.
- To provide an opportunity for students to work collaboratively both with industrial partners and peers.
- To provide the opportunity for students to experience concurrent design and concurrent engineering.
- To engage girls in aspects of engineering
- To provide students with the opportunity to use Rapid Prototyping for the in the final outcome of their work.
- To make use of Technology Enhanced Learning within the project.
- To provide students with the opportunity to present their work to a wider audience and promote design and technology as an important subject in the secondary curriculum.
Funding requested
£5000 (this was the maximum request allowable)
Response from IET (received June 2013)
“I am writing to inform you of the decision that has been made by the judging panel with regard to your bid for funding from the IET Education Fund for the Integrated Product Design project.
This year we received a considerable number of applications, with the amount of funding requesting far exceeding the amount of funding available. Although the judges were impressed with the quality of all of the applications, we found that we were unable to fund all applications, resulting in some difficult decisions for the judging panel.
I am pleased to inform you that your bid for funding for your project has been successful. The judging panel felt that yours was an excellent project; however, in order to allow the amount of funding available to reach as many eligible projects as possible, the amount of funding granted for this project was reduced to £2690.00 (The judges felt that the costs for tutorial staffing, web development, evaluator and site licenses could be avoided or reduced.”
Adaptation of project to meet available funding
The decision was made to go ahead with the project as planned, including making learning from the development project available to the wider D&T community through web development and appropriate evaluation support, thus significantly increasing the level of ‘voluntary support’ for the project to an unsustainable level.
Securing involvement of schools
Invitations were issued to all Lincolnshire D&T Departments through the termly Lincolnshire D&T HoD's electronic newsletter outlining the project and asking schools if they would like to be involved. From the respondents a choice of 3 schools were selected on the basis of both previous interest in similar projects and nominated staffs previous involvement.
[A week before the competition was due to start one Headteacher withdrew her team because of local educational political issues, the member of staff was devastated by this decision. Fortunately a replacement school was found at short notice.]
Planning meetings
(2 planning meetings held with lead staff from schools)
July 2013 – key outcomes
- agreed principles for involvement in the project
- provisional outline delivery format, including timeline and commitments required from the schools, agreed (eg Y9 pupil cohort – mixed ability, timings, technical resource availability requirements – both from the schools and those being made available through the project, use of google blogger and google docs to facilitate communication and sharing of learners work)
- Intention for all schools (staff and pupils) to use Google Blogger and Docs to support communication and the sharing of documentation / developing ideas
- Pupil introduction to the project to be facilitated by school staff (working with either a class group or group brought together for the project at the discretion of the school)
- 1 day - the design day to be facilitated by Ideas in2 Action
- Follow up work in school supported by Ideas in2 Action
- Celebration event at Lincoln University
- it was found necessary for an agreement to be reached to make changes to schools involved due to circumstances altering in the participating schools
11 Sept 2013 – 4.00pm - key outcomes
- Dates agreed for project introduction to selected Y9 pupils (facilitated by school staff)
- 2 schools creating groups specifically for involvement in the project
- 1 school using class group and extending the project introduction over a number of lessons.
- Dates agreed for the date of the design day facilitated by Ideas in2 Action
- Use of Google Docs / Google Blogger – staff noted potential benefits and were keen to explore potential uses of docs and blogger but were experiencing a range of ‘child protection’ related issues when explored with management in school
- Use of CAD (3D modelling (eg Solid Works, ProDesktop, Space Claim) electronic circuit modelling (Circuit Wizard) – school staff drew attention to apparent technical issues and school policies which could seemingly prevent/limit the introduction / use of the required software over the school network.
Eg Use of slim client network, whole school / academy chain policies re selection and availability of software, technical specification of network / network stations
On-going communication between the schools and Ideas in2 Action
In school project introduction – facilitated by school staff
St Peter and St Paul
In school project days – facilitated by ideas in2Action
10.10.13 St Peter and St Paul
15.10.13 Priory Witham
13.11.13 Lincoln Christs hospital - Replacement school due to withdrawal of one school due to internal circumstances
On-going communication and support for teachers and pupils provided by Ideas in2Action
further development of circuits / remote production of circuit boards ready for population, supply of circuit boards to schools
Further development / modelling of product
Progress review meeting – 15.01.14 – key outcomes
- Network issues identified at all schools
- Supportive headteachers in all 3 schools allowing collapsed timetable to enable design day to take place
- Proposed format for the presentation evening discussed, felt early evening best time, venue agreed as Lincoln University
- Potential judges and guests identified